María Rodríguez Pérez
Servicio Cirugía Torácica. Clínica Universidad de Navarra (Madrid)
Profesor Clínico Asociado, Universidad de Navarra
Adjunto Cirugía Torácica – Clínica Universidad de Navarra, Madrid
Publicaciones como primer autor
Stair climbing test: Beyond the height
Authors: Maria Rodriguez. Thorax 2020 (In press)
The need for structured thoracic robotic training: the perspective of an American Association for Thoracic Surgery surgical robotic fellow
Authors: Maria Rodriguez, Dana Ferrari-Light, Jon O. Wee, Robert J. Cerfolio. Annalsof Traslational Medicine. 2020
Enhanced recovery after surgery pathways in thoracic surgery, do they end at discharge?
Authors: María Rodríguez, Maria Aymerich. Annalsof TraslationalMedicine. 2019
Recurrence of pericardial mesothelioma affecting the myocardium after pericardial resection, a case report of successful treatment
Authors: María Rodríguez, Hari R. Mallidi, Annacarolinada Silva, Raphael Bueno. Annalsof ThoracicSurgery. 2018
Refraining from smoking shortly before lobectomy has no influence on the risk of pulmonary complications. A case-control study on a matched population
Authors: MariaRodriguez, MariaTeresa Gómez-Hernandez, Nuria Novoa, Marcelo F. Jiménez, José L. Aranda, Gonzalo Varela. EurJ CardiothoracSurg2017;51:498-503.
The risk of death due to cardio respiratory causes increases with time after right pneumonectomy: a propensity score-matchedanalysis
Authors: María Rodríguez, María Teresa Gómez, Marcelo F. Jiménez, José Luis Aranda, Nuria Novoa and Gonzalo Varela. EurJ CardiothoracSurg2012.
Usefulness of conventional pleural drainage Systems to predict the occurrence of prolonged air leak after anatomical pulmonary resection
Authors: María Rodríguez, Marcelo F. Jiménez, María Teresa Gómez, Nuria Novoa, José Luis Aranda and Gonzalo Varela EurJ CardiothoracSurg2014
Morbimortalidad de la resección pulmonar en pacientes octogenarios con cáncer de pulmón
Autoers: Rodríguez M, et al. ArchBronconeumol. 2014.
La neumonectomía ofrece menor supervivencia a los pacientes con carcinoma de pulmón en estadio patológico IB.
Autores: Rodríguez M, et al. ArchBronconeumol. 2014.
Diagnóstico y tratamiento de un hemotórax causado por un seudo aneurisma de arteria intercostal
Autores: Rodríguez, M, Teresa González de la Huebra Labrador y Jose L. Aranda. ArchBronconeumol. 2016.